Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Word Wednesdays - July 9, 2008

The sun will no more be your light by day,
nor will the brightness of the moon shine on you,
for the LORD will be your everlasting light,
and your God will be your glory.

Your sun will never set again,
and your moon will wane no more;
the LORD will be your everlasting light,
and your days of sorrow will end.

-Isaiah 60:19-20

What a wonderful promise. When we choose to trust the Lord and give Him our very lives, He is faithful to lead, to guide, to uphold, to care for, to love.

Even the things we depend on and deem to be of utmost importance (like the light of the sun or the faint glow of the moon) cannot compare to the greatness of God and to His promise of life when we choose to put out trust in Him.

In the Lord, there is fullness of joy, there is promise of everlasting light.

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Blown away by The Shack

I have two chapters to go but let me tell you, I am so blown away. It is so good.

Not as good as the bible, of course. But it just articulated a lot of things I've always wanted to explain to people but can't seem to communicate properly.

It also made me understand and appreciate the Trinity better.

I'll blog about my review on Thursday. In the mean time, enjoy Wordless Wednesday tomorrow.

Monday, July 7, 2008

Music Video Monday

Starting today, I will be having a theme for some days of the week.

Monday will be Music Video Monday when I will be posting my music video of the week.
Wednesdays will be Word Wednesdays when I will be posting my Bible scripture of the week.
Thursdays will be Thankful Thursdays when I will be journaling the one thing I am thankful to God for for the week.

For this Music Video Monday, I want to share one of the coolest videos I've ever seen.

Adele's Chasing Pavements

Sleep-deprived on a Monday morning

This is getting to be a very bad habit.

I don't know why it is so difficult for me to sleep before midnight on a Sunday. The least I owe to my body is six hours of decent sleep a night but I always have a hard time hitting the sheets at a decent hour on Sundays.

I have no idea why. Maybe I was made for Monday sabbath? ;)